Driftsätt: Bränsle
Levereras som: Almost-Ready-To-Fly
Lämplig för: Erfaren
Plantyp: Sport
Spännvidd: 1410 mm
Vingarea: 35,8 dm2
Längd: 1170 mm
Material: Trä
Vikt: 2200-2300 g
Sändare: Ingår Ej
Motor: Ingår Ej
Skevroder: Ja
Behöver kompletteras med: Radioutrustning, Metanolmotor
You don't have to build our Super Sportster 40 MKII kit to enjoy its easy aerobatics. Just take a few evenings to put together this ARF version! From its all-wood construction to the excellent high- and low-speed handling, this model more than does justice to the classic sport kit.Wingspan: 1410 mm
Wing Area: 35.8 dm²
Weight: 2.2-2.3 kg
Wing Loading: 59.7-62.9 g/dm²
Length: 1170 mm
Engine Required: 2-stroke .40-.46 or 4-stroke .52
Radio Required: 4-channel with 4 servos.